Absor Alimudin, 2020, The Effect of English Poster on Student’s Vocabulary
Mastery at The Fifth Grade of SDN Ponteh 2 Pamekasan. Thesis, Tarbiyah
Faculty, English Teaching and Learning Program, State Islamic Institute of
Madura. Adivisor: Henny Uswatun Hasanah, M.Pd
Key word: English Poster, Vocabulary Mastery
English Poster is a large printed notice with picture and implies a message
or an idea, a poster must be simple so it can be understood easyly. Poster often
illustrated that is posted to advertise or publicize something. Poster also one of the
kinds of media that can be used by teacher to deliver the material to the student in
teaching learning process Becuase poster can stimulate the student
Vocabulary mastery is skill that have by someone in using word of
language, vocabulary mastery is influence to four skills in English they are:
(speaking, listening, reading, and writing). The key in learning foreign language is
master the vocabulary, the more vocabulary someone’s have the better they
master English because without vocabulary nothing is conveyed. Students of
elementary school have to learn basic English, they study about simple words or
things in their surrondings, it aimed that students are able to understand simple
English used in daily context.
In this research there is one research problem that is, is there any effect of
English poster on student’s vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade of SDN Ponteh 2
Pamekasan? This research is include to quantitative research and this research is
Experimental the researcher uses pre-experimental design namely one-group pretest post-test. In this research the researcher want to know the effect of variable X
(English Poster) on variable Y (Vocabulary Mastery), To analyze the data the
researcher uses statistical analysis that is SPSS V20.
The population of this research fifth grade of SDN Ponteh 2 Pamekasan
that consist of 19 students and for sampling this research uses sampling jenuh as a
sampling technique which is sampling jenuh is a technique when all of the
population is used as sample. The result of this research is the tvalue 6,662 and ttable
is 2,10 in significant 5% the result shows that the tvalue is higher than ttable
(6,662>2,10). It means that there is effect between variable X and Variable Y.
After we know the result of test, it known that alternative hypothesis is
accepted and nol hypothesis is rejected. The researcher can give conclusion that
there is effect of English poster on student’s vocabulary mastery at the fifth Grade
of SDN Ponteh 2 Pamekasan.
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