Syamsudin, 2019, The Implementation of GLS (GerakanLiterasiSekolah) on Students’ English Reading Skill at Seventh Grade of SMPN 5 Pamekasan., Undergraduate, Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Program (TBI), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura, Advisor: Drs. Moh. MashurAbadi, M.Fil.I
Key Words:Implementation of GLS (GerakanLiterasiSekolah),Reading skill
The context of the school literacy movement includes understanding and use something intelligently through a comprehensive effort to make it school citizens become lifelong literate learning through engagement public. There are three research focused, The first is how does the implementation of GLS on students’ English reading skill at seventh grade of SMPN 5 Pamekasan? Whatever the strengthness and weaknesses of GLS on students’ English reading skill at seventh grade of SMPN 5 Pamekasan? how to solve the weaknesses of GLS on student’s English reading skill at seventh grade of SMPN 5 Pamekasan?
In this research, the researcher used a qualitative approach with the kind of the research is descriptive design. The data source are the teacher and the student of SMPN 5 Pamekasan. And to collect the data, the researcher used three technique, those are observation, interview and documentation.
The result of this research that the authors did lead to conclusions namely; 1) implementation of the habituation school literacy movement which is 15 minutes reading non-lesson books, the development stage is improving reading ability by analyzing read books, learning is followed by analyzing and giving academic 2) factor supporting literacy at SMPN 5 Pamekasan facilities adequate infrastructure, program donation of books from parents, teachers and alumni 3) solution motivation students to participate in activities well, give direction or reprimand, appeal to all school members both teachers and students to love reading and write to be a literate person.
Syamsudin, 2019, Implementasi GLS Padaketerampilanmembacabahasainggrissiswa di kelastujuh SMPN 5 Pamekasan, Skripsi, Jurusan Tarbiyah, Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Madura, Pembimbing:Drs. Moh. MashurAbadi, M.Fil.I
Kata Kunci: implementasi GLS (GerakanLiterasiSekolah), Keterampilanmembaca
Konteksgerakanliterasisekolahyaitumencakupmemahamidanmenggunakansesuatusecaracerdasmelaluiupayamenyeluruh agar menjadikanwargasekolahmenjadipembelajaranliteratsepanjanghayatmelaluipelibatanpublik.Terdapattigapermaslahandalampenelitianini, pertamaadalahbagaimanapenerapan GLS padaketerampilanmembacabahasainggrissiswa di kelastujuh SMPN 5 Pamekasan?Apapendukungdanpenghambat GLS padaketerampilanmembacabahasainggrissiswa di kelastujuh SMPN 5 Pamekasan? Bagaimanamengatasihambatan GLS padakemampuanmembacabahasainggrissiswa di kelastujuh SMPN 5 P amekasan?
Dalampenelitianinipenelitimenggunakanpendekatankualitatifdanjenisdaripenelitianiniadalahdeskriptif.Sumberdatanyaberasaldari guru danmuriddari SMPN 5 Pamekasan.Dan untukmengumpulkan data, penelitimenggunakan 3 tekhnik.Yaituobservasi, wawancaradandokumentasi.
Hasildaripenelitian yang penulislakukanmengarahkepadakesimpulanyaitu; 1) implementasigerakanliterasisekolahtahappembiasaanyaitu 5 menitmembacabuku non-pelajaran, tahappengembanganyaitumeningkatkankemampuanmembacadenganmenganalisisbuku yang sudahdibaca, tahappembelajaranyaitudilanjutkandenganmenganalisissertapemberiantagihanakademik 2) Faktorpendukungkegiatanliterasi di SMPN 5 Pamekasansaranaprasarana yang memadai, ketersediaanbuku yang lengkap, progamsumbanganbukudari orang tua, guru dan alumni 3) Solusimemotivasisiswa agarmengikutikegiatandenganbaik, memberikanarahanatauteguran, menghimbaukepadaseluruhwargasekolahbaik guru ataupunsiswauntukgemarmembacadanmenullis agar menjadipribadi yang literat.
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