Ach.Roby, 2019.The Effect of Six Eyes Game to Eighth Graders’ Simple Present Tense Mastery at MTs RaudlatulUlumPandiyanganRobatalSampang.Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura.
Advisor: HennyUswatunHasanah, M.pd
Keywords: Game, Six Eyes Game, Simple Present Tense
Grammar is a description of the regularities in a language, and knowledge of these regularities provides the learner with the means to generate a potentially enormous of original sentence. It has usually concentrated on matters of style and diction appropriate for rather formal written English. Grammar also the partly study of what forms (structure) are possible in language. It also stated as the theory of language, of how language put together and how it works. There are many points that explained in grammar, one of them is simple present tense. In learning simple present, it will be more interesting with suitable technique one of them is using game. The game that will apply in this research is six eyes game.
The research that was mainly purposed to investigateIs there any effect of six eyes game to students’ simple present tense mastery of eighth graders at MTs Raudlatul Ulum Pandiyangan Robatal Sampangandhow the significant the effect of six eyes game to students’simple present tense mastery of eighth graders at MTs Raudlatul Ulum Pandiyangan Robatal Sampang.
This research uses quantitative approach with pre-experimental design with study about numerical data based on the researcher got. The population of this research is eighth graders of MTs RaudlatulUlumPandiyanganRobatalSampang and the sample of this research is eighth graders of MTs RaudlatulUlumPandiyanganRobatalSampang because there is only one eighth grade of this school. There are two kinds of data collection procedures were utilized to obtain the data, they were test namely pre-test and post-test and documentation. While, to check the validity of the data, the researcher used content validity because the test was made based on the material was taught by the English teacher. The reliability of the instruments in this research was used to know the test reliable or not.
From the data analyzed result of this research, it shows that there is effect of six eyes game to eighth graders’ simple present tense mastery at MTs RaudlatulUlumPandiyanganRobatalSampang. It is proven after knowing the result of tvalue is 4,530 and ttable is 2,06 with N= 25,it is shown that tvalue ≥ ttableFrom the result above it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. In other words, from the data analysis above the researcher said that the students taught by six eyes game have high effect to simple present tense mastery at the eighth grader of MTs Raudlatul Ulum Pandiyangan Robatal Sampang.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for English teacher to have some specific technique in delivering the material in English learning process. Game is one of the options in order to make students more comfortable during the English learning process.
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