Durratun Nasihah, 2018, The Implementation of Listening Audio Article in Speaking Skill on Bridge Speaking of PEACE Course Pare Kediri, Undergraduate, Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), State Islamic Institute of Madura (IAIN). Advisor, Nina Khayatul Vyrdina, M.Pd
Key Word: Listening Audio Article, Students Speaking Skill
Langeuage is a tool to communicate with each other. In indonesia English as foreign language. In studying English there are four skill, they are speaking, writing, reading and listening. The student must study hard to master it and the teacher must have some methode, technique or game that suitable with the material at that time. In order the students interest to study English. Especially in speaking skill, because speaking ability difficult to some students foreign language. Listening Audio Article is one of media that the English Teacher in Bridge Speaking of PEACE Course Pare Kediri has implemented to teach speaking subject.
There are three research focus in this study. The first, the implementation of Listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri. The second, what are thwe problem that experienced by the teacher in implementing listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri. And the third, how to solve the problem that experienced by the teacher in implementing listening audio article in speaking on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri.
Based on the research focus above, there are three objectives in this study. The first, to describe how the implementation listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri. The second, to find out what are the problem that experienced by the teacher in implementing listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge spesking of peace course pare keidiri. And the third, to find out how to solve the problem that experienced by the teacher in implementing listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri.
In this research the researcher uses qualitative approach. While kind of research, the researcher uses descriptive research. Because the researcher describes the implementation of listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri, the problem that experienced by the teacher in the implementing listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri, and how the teacher solve the problem that experinced in implementing listening audio article in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri. To collect the data, the researcher uses observation by entering to the classroom directly, interview with the English teacher, and documantation by taking picture in the teaching learning process.
In this study, listening audio article have been implemented in speaking skill on bridge speaking of peace course pare kediri. From the obsevation and interview that the researcher done, the researcher can conclude that listening audio article can be continue by some teacher to teach speaking skill.
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