Nur. Halimah, 2018. The Effectiveness of Using People to People Games on Young Learners English Vocabulary Mastery at 4th Grade in SDN Kaduara Barat 3 Advisor: Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M.Pd.
Key words: people to people games, English vocabulary mastery.
Learning vocabulary is very important because vocabulary is one aspect in leaning foreign language. In the teaching learning process the teacher should apply the best way to make the teaching vocabulary mastery more interesting and enjoyable. Here the researcher find that the effectiveness of people to people games on students vocabulary mastery.
People to People Games is one of way cooperative games for social interaction that use to build up the communication each other and this game physical used by players. This game plays in group with make team pair of the students.
There are two focused in this study. The first, do the People to people games have effectiveness on young learners English vocabulary mastery at 4th Grade SDN Kaduara-Barat 3. The second, how significance is the effectiveness of people to people games on young learners English vocabulary mastery at 4th Grade SDN Kaduara-Barat 3
Based on the research focus above, there are two research objective in this study, To find out whether there is an effect of People to people games on young learners. And to measure how significance is the effectiveness of people to people games on young learners English vocabulary mastery at 4th Grade SDN Kaduara-Barat 3.
In this research, the researcher uses quantitative design, while kinds of design this research is experimental research. To collect the data the researcher uses observation by entireing to th classroom, score of pre test and post test, and documentation by taking picture in the teaching learning process.
The result of this research found that people to people games in students vocabulary mastery at fourth grade of elementary school kaduara barat 3 is effective and the researcher states that the null hyphothesis is rejected and alternative hyphothesis accepted because t0>tt (2.54>2,23).
Nur Halimah, 2018 Efektifitas Penggunaan Permainan People to People terhadap Pelajar Muda dalam Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Di Kelas 4 di SDN Kaduara Barat 3, Pembimbing: Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty,M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: Permainan People to People, Penguasaan Kosakata.
Belajar kosakata sangat penting karena kosata adalah salah satu aspek dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Dalam proses belajar mengajar guru harus mengaplikasikan strategy terbaik dalam menguasai suatu kosakata agar lebih menyenangkan. Dalam hal ini peneliti ingin tahu penerapan permainan tersebut dalam menguasai kosakata bagian-bagian tubuh di SDN kaduara barat 3. Permainan dalam penelitian ini adalah permainan orang ke orang.
Permainan People to People adalah salah satu permainan kerja sama untuk interaksi social untuk mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi. Permainan ini dimainkan secara berpasangan.
Ada dua permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, pertama apakah games ini efektif dalam penguasaan kosata di kelas 4 di SDN Kaduara Barat 3? Kedua, berapa taraf signifikansi efektifitas games terhadap penguasan kosakata di SDN Kaduara Barat 3?
Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada dalam penelitian tersebut, ada dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini, pertama untuk menemukan apakah ada efek terhadap penggunaan game ini. Kedua, untuk mengukur signifikansi permainan dalam penguasaan kosata di ke;as 4 sdn kaduara barat 3.
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sedangkan jenis penelitiannya pre eksperimen. Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan score pre test dan post test, dokumentasi, RPP dan Absensi siswa.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa permainan People to People terhadap siswa kelas 4 di SDN Kaduara Barat 3 efektif mereka lebih tertarik dan juga santai. Peneliti mengemukakan bahwa alternaive hipotesis diterima t0>tt (2.54>2,23) dengan taraf signifiknsi 5%.
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