Nurul Hasanah, 2018, Teaching English Method used by the English Teacher at the Fifth Grade of SDN Barkot 5 Pamekasan. Undergraduate, Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI). The state Islamic institute of madura (IAIN) Madura. Advisor : Hj. S. SumihatulUmmahMs, M.Pd
Key Words: Teaching English Method, The English Teacher
In learning English, there are four skills. They are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. But reading is a major skill in English subject. So as an English teacher should choose the best method to make students more interactive and active. Teaching English method is the application of theoretical finding: the may have developed from theories and the put into practice.
There are three research focuses in this study. The first, what the teaching English methods used by the English teacher at the fifth grade of SDN Barkot 5 Pamekasan. And The second, what the strengths and weaknesses of teaching English methods used by the English teacher at the fifth grade of SDN Barkot 5 Pamekasan and The third, How do students responses in to the teaching English methods used by the English teacher at the fifth grade of SDN Barkot 5 Pamekasan.
In this research, the researcher used qualitative as the approach of the research and kind of the research is descriptive. The data sources are the English teacher of fifth grade and the students of this class. In collecting the data, the researcher used some procedures those are observation, interview, and documentation.
The result of research showed that teaching English method used by the English teacher. There were Grammar Translation Method and Total Physical Responses The English teacher divided the students into four group that each group consisted of five students but there was one group consisted of six students. Students are likened to teacher was reading the English texts and after the students have finished reading texts or shared the information then other groups understand the meaning of the texts, So, there is steps in this activity given by the teacher to the students in teaching learning process. Additionally, the students were interested in the teaching English method used by the English teacher on students reading English because they can read well in the classroom. In brief, this method can be teaching English method used by the English teacher. the students can read well in the classroom.
Result of the strength and weakness for GTM the strength of the research is that to able to help the teacher to explain the material easier, and the weakness for GTM is the student confused when the teacher explain the material in the classroom and many the student don’t the listen the teacher explain. The strength of Total Physical Responses, if the teacher used TPR Method the student are active but sometimes was inflective. And the weakness of TPR Method the student doesn’t understand about the material.
Result of the responses in research for the students, the students understand about the material the teacher explain, and if the teacher used GTM and TPR Method for learning teaching English that the student will feel comfortable and not bored with the material taught.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the English teacher to select a good method that more suitable with the condition of the students, should make the situation of the class is more lively in order the students can express their idea freely, and should give motivation more to the students in every activity in the classroom especially at the fifth grade. Similarly, the students should pay attention on the English teacher’s motivation and all of the interaction during the activities in order that can encourage their skill that they have learnt.
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