Halimatus Sa’diyah, 2017, Students’ Difficulties in English Proficiency Test on
Reading Section faced by the Seventh Semester Students of TBI STAIN Pamekasan
Academic Year 2016/2017, undergraduate thesis, English Teaching Learning
Program, Tarbiyah Department, Advisor, Drs. Moh. Mashur Abadi, M. Fil.I
Key Words: Students’ Difficulties, English Proficiency Test, reading Section
English as an international language is needed in academic environment,
work environment and social environment both national and international. English
proficiency is needed to keep maintaining in the globalization era. According to
Hughes who stated that proficiency tests are the tests which designed to measure
people’s ability in a language regardless of any training that learners may have had in
that language. There are some proficiency tests, such as, TOEIC, IELTS and TOEFL.
Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa or Language Development Center of STAIN
Pamekasan also held a test to know the students’ proficiency in English. It is called
“English Proficiency Test (EPT)”. English Proficiency Test is an English Test to
measure student’s proficiency in English which cover structure and written
expression, reading and listening comprehension in which this EPT is similar to
TOEFL. Reading section of TOEFL is difficult because the text chosen for the
TOEFL contain for the most certain specific topics on biology, psychology nature,
social, history and soon. Generally, the TOEFL reading section is designed so that
the difficulty level is similar to authentic American news sources. Compared to the
news, it is said that the academic focus is what makes TOEFL slightly more difficult
than the average written text that Americans face in everyday situations.
There are two research focuses in this study. The first is what are students’
difficulties in facing English Proficiency Test (EPT) on reading section faced by the
seventh semester students of English Teaching and Learning Program?. And the
second is how do students solve their difficulties in facing English Proficiency Test
(EPT) on reading section faced by the 7th semester students of English Teaching and
Learning Program?.
Based on the research focus, the researcher made objective of study. The first
one is to know students’ difficulties in facing English Proficiency Test (EPT) on
reading section faced by the seventh semester students of English Teaching and
Learning Program. And the second one is to find out how do students solve their
difficulties in facing English Proficiency Test (EPT) on reading section faced by
seventh semester students of English Teaching and Learning Program.
In this research, the researcher used qualitative as the approach of the
research and kind of the research is descriptive. The data sources are seventh
semester students of English Teaching and Learning Program who had joined
English Proficiency Test. In collecting the data, the researcher used some procedures
those are interview and documentation. The researcher then analyzed the data by
reduction, display, and verification. Additionally, for getting the validity of the data,
the researcher used triangulation of data technique.
The result of research showed there are some difficulties that is faced by
seventh semester students in facing English Proficiency Test, they are unfamiliar
words, finding synonym, finding main idea and difficult to understand the passage.v
And students’ ways in solving their difficulties in facing English Proficiency Test
(EPT) on reading section at seventh semester students of English Teaching and
Learning Program of STAIN Pamekasan are enrich vocabulary, guess the meaning of
unfamiliar words, read more English passage and the last one is skimming and
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the students before facing
English Proficiency Test they should read a lot of English books especially kind of
TOEFL guide books. Researcher also suggests to the lecturers of reading subject
(Reading I, II and III) to use university level English passage especially scientific
texts on their reading materials or hand book. Because it will make students habit
with that kind of high level passage and make them easier to face English
Proficiency Test or TOEFL on reading section
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