Yuliati Masruroh, 2017. The Study of Fishbowl Technique in Teaching Subjunctive at the Third Level of Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Pamekasan.Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program of Tarbiyah Department. Advisor: Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd
Key words: Fishbowl, Teaching and Subjunctive
English grammar is more complicated than Indonesian grammar. Some mistakes are made when the students do not understand well about the English grammar. Many of the students commonly make grammar mistakes in their learning especially in writing. But, sometimes the teacher did not aware about students’ mistakes. In teaching grammar the English teacher needs method and good technigue for the students because the writer assump that teaching grammar will be borring if we don’t use good and interesting method and technique for the students.
This research is focused on three problems which are the main discussion of this research 1). How does the English teacher use fishbowl in teaching subjunctive at the third level of Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Pamekasan? 2). What is the teacher’s difficulty in teaching fishbowl in teaching subjunctive at the third level of Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Pamekasan? 3). How to overcome the teacher’s difficulty in teaching fishbowl in teaching subjunctive at the third level of Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Pamekasan
In this research the researcher take place at Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Bugih Pamekasan, the approach of this research is qualitative research, the data gotten by the observation, interview and documentation and after the researcher got the data the researcher analyzed the data based on the qualitative descriptive approach.
Based on the result in chapter IV it can be know that the first step conducted by the English teacher is conducting apperception, where the English teacher build the students’ knowledge, then English teacher give some material to the students and asking the students opinion about the activity would be conducted by the English teacher in teaching and learning process, and the English teacher explain about fishbowl, this step allow the students to ask if the students don’t understand about the explanation given, then the next step is determining the expert. And the English teacher makes a circle and the students who became expert sit in the mid and the other students round the expert so it look like the fish in the bowl.The english teacher’s difficulties in the implementation of fishbowl technique in teaching subjunctive is looking the expert because the students don’t want to be exper and the english teacher of Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) persuade and motivate the to be the expert and the next difficulty is make the students belived about the ability of the expert in order that the class can be fun and run well and The english teacher give motivation to the students in order that they are not shy to explain the material and the teacher tell the students who crowded to be silent and admonished the students
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