Unik Muniyah Altof Al Afidah, 2017, The Implementation of English
Extracurricular for Student’s Speaking Skill at Nurul huda Islamic Boarding
School Pakandangan Sumenep Academic Year 2016-2017, Thesis, English
Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic
College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: English Extracurricular, Student’s Speaking Skill.
Extracurricular activities are programs that are perform by students
outside the classroom, because it fall outside the realm of the normal
curriculum of school. Extracurricular have no limitation programs and
assembling in their application. Extracurricular held to develop student’s
creativity, develop student’s socializations, developing for student’s science
and ect. Therefore, in this research the researcher conducts a research about
The Implementation of English Extracurricular for Student’s Speaking Skill at
Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School Pakandangan Sumenep Academic Year
From the phenomenon above, the researcher interests to know what are
English Extracurricular programs that are applied to the student’s Speaking
Skill, how will the teacher and manager applying the English Extracurricular
for student’s speaking skill which English Extracurricular programs that can
help the student’s speaking Skill at Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School
Pakandangan Sumenep Academic Year 2016-2017.
In this case, the researcher used descriptive qualitative. The researcher
got the data from the interview, observation and documentation. The number of
students that follow the implementation of English Extracurricular is sixty four
students. The data analysis that the researcher used are data reduction, data
display and Conclusion drawing/ verification. To check the data validity, the
researcher used triangulation of source.
The result of this research showed that Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding
School has six English Extracurricular programs. There are Vocabulary at
Morning Time, Vocabulary at Night Time, conversation at Day Time,
Conversation at Morning Time, English Public Speaking and Dictation.
Whereas, teacher and manager applied the English Extracurricular programs
with different way. At Vocabulary at morning time, teacher and manager give
two until three vocabulary to the students, order the students repair to say it
until the students memorize it and put it in complete sentence. the manager just
repaid or make the students remember again what new vocabulary that had she
given to the students at morning time, before the students leave the place they
must memorize two or three vocabulary to the manager who guided them in
vocabulary programs. Conversation at morning time just applied at Thursday
morning time. Conversation at day time is applied every day except Friday,
Thursday and Arabic language day. English Public Speaking, all the students
have opportunity to be speakers on the stage, in front of the audience and must
speak by English language. At Dictation, students write every sentence that
dictated by the manager, and the sentence dictated is English language. English
Extracurricular that can help students speaking skill is Vocabulary.According to the statement above, the researcher concludes that English
Extracurricular is important for student’s speaking skill, especially Vocabulary
program. And students must to follow all the programs that applied in Nurul
Huda Islamic Boarding School Pakandangan Sumenep, because all Englih
Extracurricular programs is Important for students speaking sill in the future
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