The Correlation between Student’s Note Taking and Students Material Understanding on English Syntax Class at Fifth Semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan
Niswatul Ummah, 2015, Thesis, The Correlation between Student’s Note Taking and Students Material Understanding on English Syntax Class at Fifth Semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan, Advisor: Mulyadi, S.S., M. Pd.
Kata Kunci: Note-taking, students’ material understanding
Note-taking is the activity of recording information from any sources, by taking notes in a piece of paper, books, etc. note-taking is important to use by students, because by taking notes students can remember the material that ever they learn. In order that can help them in understand the material and also make them easy in facing the examination.
There are two research problems in this research. The first, do the more students taking notes, the more they understand the material. The second is how significance the correlation between students’ note-taking and students’ material understanding on English syntax class at the fifth semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan.
This research uses quantitative approach because the data will be analyzed by using statistical method. The formula that use in this research is product moment formula which is the value of note-taking frequency as variable X and student’s material understanding as variable Y. There are more than 100 of students whom follow the English syntax class, so the researcher just takes the sample. There are 47 students whom be a sample. To get the data related with students’ note-taking frequency, the researcher use questioner. And to get the data about students’ material understanding, the researcher use the students’ middle test score that the researcher ask to the English syntax lecturer.
The result of this research is prove that there is a correlation between students’ note-taking and students’ material understanding on English syntax at the fifth semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan. It is proved by the result of data analysis of product moment the value of r_xy = 0.383, it is higher than r-table product moment to N=47 in standard significance 5%=0.288 and for standard significance 1%=0.372. In the interpretation of r_xy it is on value 0.20-0.40. So, it is prove that there is a correlation between both variable but it is low.
Based on the result of the research above, the researcher hopes to the lecturers or teachers to suggest and motivate their students to taking notes. Because it is good for them in understand the material. Based on the result, memorizing English vocabulary is very useful to help the members of APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) on their speaking ability. But, it stilJ needs more strategy to overcome the weaknesses of memorizing and to make the members of APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) realize that the advantages of having much vocabularies will be useful for their future.
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