A Study onSemantic Change of Madurese Language at Mangar Village TlanakanPamekasan Based on Chaers’ Perspective
NovianaAini, 2015, A Study onSemantic Change of Madurese Language at
Mangar Village TlanakanPamekasan Based on Chaers’ Perspective. Under
Graduate, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic
College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: AfifahRaihanyM.Pd.
Keywords:Semantic Change, Madurese Language, Sociolinguistic.
Time by time language as a tool of communication grows and develops.
For that reason, language also changes. Actually there are many kinds of
language changed in language itself. However, in this research the
researcher studies on semantic change based on Chaers’ perspective.
Whereas, semantic change is occurs in societies at MangarVillage
TlanakanPamekasan. For example, a changed happens in their daily life
between old and modern people. Old people called color of Hijau with
Bhiruh but on the other hand modern people call it with Ijo. In addition,
Societies in that village are commonly bilingual which is most of people
understand and used two languages; Vernacular and Indonesian languages.
In this research there are two research focuses that are: how and what
factors influenced semantic change of Madurese language at Mangar
Village based on Chaers’ perspective. In fact, there are two objectives of
research such: to know how and what factors influenced semantic change of
Madurese language based on Chaers’ perspective, which occur between old
and modern people at Mangar Village TlanakanPamekasan.
Based on research focuses and objectives of research above, researcher
used qualitative method and grounded theory as kind of this research which
is the researcher used purposive sampling in addition researcher chose old
and modern people as sample. The researcher wants to know and explain
how and what factors influenced semantic change occur between old and
modern people based on Chaers’ perspective at Mangar Village
To collect data researcher used observation, interview, and
documentation procedures. Data that was gotten in field analyze based on
theory from some experts about how and what factors influenced
semantically vocabulary change. Meanwhile, in this research the researcher
used theory from Creswell and Sugiyono to analyze data.
From result of data analysis we can know there are some examples
semantic changes between old and modern people and four factors
influenced semantic change at Mangar Village, the factors are: educational
background, age, language adapted, and technology.After doing the research
the researcher can identify and conclude some examples semantic changes.
We can see Madurese language has changed because of some factors
especially in society at Mangar Village TlanakanPamekasan. Whereas, if
this thing continue over time, not impossible Madurese language is will be
shifted even it will die.
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