The Implementation of Think Pair Share Technique for Introvert Students in Speaking Class at the Ninth Grade of MTs Nurul - Huda II Giliraja Sumenep
Istiqomah Amaliyah Hasanah, 2015, The Implementation of Think Pair Share Technique for Introvert Students in Speaking Class at the Ninth Grade of MTs Nurul - Huda II Giliraja Sumenep, Undergraduate, Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching learning program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Siti Azizah, M.Pd
Keywords : Speaking, Introvert, Think Pair Share Technique.
Speaking is one of the four skills in learning English. Speaking is most important skill and most language learning interested in learning to speak used directly in daily life. In speaking, students learn to express the idea orally. It is measured in terms of the ability to make a conversation in the language. To improve the introvert students’ speaking skill, that always quiet, work alone or shy to speak in the class, introverts students need some technique in teaching learning process that can solve their problem by using think pair share technique. Think pair share technique is one of cooperative learning styles that suitable to use in speaking class for introvert students that like to work alone.
There are three research focuses in this research. The first is how does the teacher implements think pair share technique for introvert students in speaking class at the ninth grade B of MTs Nurul - Huda II Giliraja Sumenep. The second is what is the advantage of think pair share technique for introvert students in speaking class at the ninth B grade of MTs Nurul – Huda II Giliraja Sumenep. The third is what is the weakness of think pair share technique for introvert students in speaking class at the ninth grade B of MTs Nurul – Huda II Giliraja Sumenep.
The objectives of this research are, to know the implementation of think pair share technique for introvert students in speaking class at the ninth grade B of MTs Nurul – Huda II Giliraja Sumenep. To identify the advantage of think pair share technique for introvert students in speaking class at the ninth grade B of MTs Nurul – Huda II Giliraja Sumenep. And to identify the weakness of think pair share technique for introvert students in speaking class at the ninth grade B of MTs Nurul – Huda II Giliraja Sumenep.
This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative. In this research, the researcher did giving questionnaire, observing, interviewing, and documentation in gathering data. The informers are from the English teacher and introvert students. The data analyzed was used Huberman’s theory, such as : data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Then, in checking the validity of data the researcher uses triangulation.
The result of this research was really found by the researcher that in conducting think pair share technique in speaking class there are two points of students’ result. They are the advantages and the weaknesses in using think pair share in classroom activities for introvert students. In fact, think pair share technique helps the students to improve their speaking skill because this technique force them to speak up. It was proven by observation, interviews on introvert students and the English teacher, then the documentation that have been token and collected from the researcher’s research. But beside advantages, in implementing this technique, there are some weaknesses that felt by introvert students. They are : students background of knowledge, pronunciation, and vocabulary.
Based on the result of this research, think pair share technique has to be more developed. It should be used for all grade in MTs Nurul – Huda II Gliraja Sumenep. Beside it, the English teacher should improve in applying this technique to make students has better improvement in speak English.
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