The Correlation Between Letter Font Size and The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at The Kindergarten of Darul Ulum Bandungan Pakong.
Ira Dardainili, 2015, The Correlation Between Letter Font Size and The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at The Kindergarten of Darul Ulum Bandungan Pakong. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), the State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Nina Khayatul Virdyna, M.Pd
Key words: Letter Font Size, Vocabulary Achievement
Letter font size is a kind of visual objects in teaching learning process that is used by the teacher of Kindergarten Darul Ulum Bandungan. It is very useful because the letter font size is various. In addition, young learners commonly can be more interactive if the classroom has many various activities. The variety of the letter font size can attract young learners attention to learn a new vocabulary that is presented by the teacher. It makes young learners achieve better of vocabulary that they have learnt.
The phenomenon above makes the researcher want to examine whether the letter font size have a positive correlation to the students’ vocabulary achievement by using statistical number and to measure the significant correlation between letter font size and the students’ vocabulary achievement at the Kindergarten of Darul Ulum Bandungan Pakong Pamekasan.
This research uses quantitative approach while the kind of the research which the researcher used correlational research design to measure the degree of association between two variables. The instruments which are used in conducting the research are test as primary instrument and documentation as the secondary instrument. Data analysis technique that researcher used was statistical analysis; the statistical formula which was used was product moment which is suitable with the research design.
The discussion of this research, the result shows that There is a positive correlation between letter font size (variable X) and vocabulary achievement (variable Y) at the Kindergarten Darul Ulum Bandungan Pakong Pamekasan. It is proved that the result of r value is higher than r table. In addition, the r value is 0,67 with N=20, while the r table of N=20 is 0,444 in 95% significant level and 0,561 in 99% significant level, but researcher used 99% significant level. It is also consulted to r table product moment to give interpretation that the r value 0,67 between 0,40 – 0,70 and it is in medium correlation. So, there is enough correlation between the letter font size and the students’ vocabulary achievement at the Kindergarten of Darul Ulum Bandungan pakong Pamekasan.
Finally, from the research can conclude that there is a positive correlation between letter font size and the students’ vocabulary achievement, the Larger the letter font size made, the better students achieve the vocabulary.
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