The Problems In Learning Speaking English At Eight Grade Students In Islamic Junior High School Of An-Nidhomiyah Pamekasan
Soffan Jamil, 2014, This is to certify that the thesis of Soffan Jamil entitled The Problems In Learning Speaking English At Eight Grade Students In Islamic Junior High School Of An-Nidhomiyah Pamekasan. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI), The State of Islamic Collage (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Drs. Masyhur Abadi, M.Fil.I.
Keywords: Speaking skills, Students’ problem in learning English,
In Indonesia, English has been decided to be the first foreign language to be taught at school. English in Indonesia is taught from elementary school till university level. In secondary school, it is taught as a compulsory subject. Students must be able to master this subject in order to pass the national examination. However, learning English is not easy. Students usually find problems in learning this subject.
By learning English can develop science, technology, culture art, and developmental relation with other nations. One of the English language skills that are usually ignored by the students spoke both as learners find it difficult to speak and not infrequently of them still feel shy, nervous, and even they are not able or in the other word sere lacking motivation.
Based on the phenomena, the researcher interest to analysis the research focus such as, What are the problems faced by the eighth grade students in learning speaking English at Islamic Junior High School of An-Nidhomiyah Pamekasan?. And how the eighth grade students solve their problems in learning speaking English at Islamic Junior High School of An-Nidhomiyah Pamekasan? The scope of this study on learning speaking English, than the researcher limits of the study on the eighth grade students of Islamic junior high school of An-Nidhomiyah Pamekasan.
This research describe through of qualitative approach with descriptive research In the collecting the data the researcher use some techniques such as observation, interview and documentation. This research conducted from 04 March 2014 until 06 April 2014. Then the researcher collected the data, the researcher analysis it through the data analyzing procedure as follows: reduction, display, conclusion drawing verification.
From the research finding There are eight problems: Feel bored, lazy (low motivation), difficult to understand the material (low basic), difficult to make some conversation (vocabulary limitation), difficult to pronounce the words or sentences, difficult to mastering and understanding the grammar, low motivation, difficult to translate in speaking quickly (vocabulary limitation), shyer. Most of the problems faced are low motivation and shyer.
The solving problems that used by the eighth grade students at Islamic junior high school of An-Nidhomiyah Pamekasan are: Write something in book to make not sleepy, reading English text, motivate myself, listening western music, open dictionary, speak with loud voice, watching English movie, speak lonely and read an English text or book, memorized new vocabulary, do not know.
Finally, based on the finding, it is suggested that the English teacher of Islamic Junior High School of An-Nidhomiyah Pamekasan expected to the Teacher should control the students’ activities in speaking skill. And the Teacher tries to find out the good solving problems to students that laziness.
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