The Implementation of Jumping Boomb Game in Teaching Vocabulary at The Sixth Grade of Elementary School Batukerbuy III Pasean Pamekasan
Jamila, 2014, The Implementation of Jumping Boomb Game in Teaching Vocabulary at The Sixth Grade of Elementary School Batukerbuy III Pasean Pamekasan. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI), Tarbiyah Depatment, The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M.Pd.
Key Words: Jumping Boomb Game, Vocabulary.
English is an International language in the world that can make assume that English is important one that should be learn in this area. It proved that English is taught in early young learners. To help the students to get motivation in teaching learning process, as teacher we have to look for another ways in order to make the students feel enjoyable in the classroom. Because young learner are still like to play with their friends. So, one of the ways to solve this problem is using a game to make them enjoy in getting the lesson while playing around, but they will get many vocabularies and remember it.
There are two problems in this study. There are: how does the teacher implement the jumping boomb game in teaching vocabulary at the sixth grade of elementary school Batukerbuy III Pasean Pamekasan and which part of the jumping boomb that can motivate the student in learning vocabulary at the sixth grade of elementary school Batukerbuy III Pasean Pamekasan. While the subject of the study is all students at the sixth grade of elementary school Batukerbuy III Pasean Pamekasan.
The study mainly aimed to know how the implementation of jumping boomb game makes the students’ motivate to increase their vocabularies in the teaching and learning process by using the media that available in the classroom and the researcher wants to know which part of the jumping boomb that can motivate the students in learning vocabulary.
The data collection was taken from the observation that have observed by the researcher in the classroom while joining the classroom activities. The interviewed that given to the students and the teacher at the sixth grade of elemenatary school Batukerbuy III Pasean Pamekasan, and the documentation that got from the school profile, the students’ list name, the form of interview and the lesson plan.
The result showed that the implementation of jumping bomb game here can motivate the students in teaching vocabulary. Based on the interviewed the researcher knew that the students have big motivation when the teacher gave limitation time to answer the question. Beside, the students can memorize and remember the vocabulary unconsciously.
With regard to the result of the study, the researcher had a conclusion that students have motivation in learning vocabulary by using
the jumping boomb game. Because, in the classroom they did not only sit down in the chair but they do some activities while they are playing. It means, the implementation of jumping boomb game here can motivate the students in learning vocabulary.
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