The correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension achievement at the Eighth Grade of MTs Nasyatus Subban Tobungan Glis Pamekasan
Suhriyah, 2014, The correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension achievement at the Eighth Grade of MTs Nasyatus Subban Tobungan Glis Pamekasan. Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Siti Azizah , M .Pd
Key terms: Correlation, Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension achievement
Reading is one of the important ways to learn English language that involved though to comprehend the meaning of the text. One of the methodes used to comprehend the text is vocabulary mastery where as vocabulary mastery is reading technique quickly to comprehend the material.
There are two problems in this research: Is there any correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension achievementof MTs Nasyatus Subban Tobungan Galis Pamekasan, how significant is the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension achievement at the Eighth grade of MTs Nasyatus Subban Tobungan Galis Pamekasan.
This study applied Quantitative research, which the data analyzed by using statistical procedure. This research is correlation research that involves variable X as independent variable (vocabulary Mastery) and variable Y as dependent variable (reading comprehension achievement). The subject of this research is the number of students are 20 students. The instrument of documentation that is used to collect the data related to variable X and variable Y. Variable X (vocabulary mastery) which is the students score of reading.
The researcher result of this study, there is any correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading of MTs Nasyatus Subban Tobungan Galis Pamekasan. It is proven after comparing “r” value of this research with the table of coefficient value of correlation “r” product moment. The “r” value is 0.611. the result of “r” value is higher than r table whether in level significance 5% is 0,444 and 1% 0,561 with N = 20. The hypothesis is accepted.
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