The Implementation Inside-Outside Circle Technique of in Teaching Vocabulary Mastery at Eighth grade of Mts AL-AMIEN Tegal 2 Prenduan Sumenep
Noer Muhammad R. Z., 2014, The Implementation Inside-Outside Circle Technique of in Teaching Vocabulary Mastery at Eighth grade of Mts AL-AMIEN Tegal 2 Prenduan Sumenep. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor is Drs. Moh. Mashur Abadi, M.Fil. I.
Key words: Inside-Outside Circle Technique, Teaching Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. Vocabulary is not only one aspect to master a language, but human learn language starting from the word.
There are three problems in this study. The first is how the teacher implement InsideOutside circle technique in teaching vocabulary mastery, the second is What are the problems faced by the teacher in implementing InsideOutside circle technique in teaching vocabulary mastery, and the third is how does the teacher solve the problem in implementing Inside Outside circle technique in teaching vocabulary mastery.
The researcher used a descriptive qualitative and this research was held at Eighth grade of Mts AL-AMIEN Tegal 2 Prenduan Sumenep. There were 24 students. And the most of them were difficult to comprehend the English word and difficult to translate it. And do not how to use vocabularies in a sentence correctly. In this case, the researcher carried out three steps in order to get the data. The first step was observation. The second step was the interview. The interview consisted of two types structure interview and unstructured interview. The last steps were the documentation.
The result shows that using inside-outside circle technique in teaching English vocabulary can develop and increase the student’s vocabulary mastery. And the students of eighth grade can easier to understand the meaning of English vocabularies itself. Here, the implementation of inside-outside circle technique used three steps such as pre teaching (introduction), whilst teaching and post teaching (conclusion). There some difficulties that are faced by an English teacher such as limited vocabulary, the students’ English background knowledge, and allocation of time. And also the problems solving are giving some vocabularies, gives suggestion and advice, and having a planning or prepare anticipated problem.
Therefore, the researcher hopes this study can be used as a consideration for an English teacher to choose inside-outside circle technique as an alternative technique to motivate the students to develop and increase their skill in teaching vocabulary mastery. Besides, this technique can solve the difficulty of the students in teaching vocabulary itself.
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