The Correlation Between Students Grammar Ability and Students Narrative Writing Achievement in the Eighth Grade of MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep
Faridah Septiyana, 2014, The Correlation Between Students Grammar Ability and Students Narrative Writing Achievement in the Eighth Grade of MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep. Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Drs. Mosleh Habibullah , M .Pd
Key terms: Ability in Grammar, Students’ Achievement Of Narrative Writing
Language becomes something crucial to be owned by the people around the world. Grammar is the structure foundation of English ability, to express ourselves. Writing is very important to teach in classroom because it can be used to achieve the ability to write about our feelings, ideas, opinion, and also to express anything which comes into our mind.
There are two problems of this research. The first is there any correlation between students grammar ability and students narrative writing achievement in the Eighth Grade of MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep. The second is how is the correlation between students grammar ability and students narrative writing achievement in the Eighth Grade of MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep.
The research design of this research is quantitative research by using correlational research. This research has two variable, they are variable X (independent variable) and variable Y (dependent variable). The population of this research is all of the students in MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep that consist of 60 students. While the sample of this research is the students in the eighth grade MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep that consist of 20 students. The instruments that are uses of this research in this research is test and documentation. The research of data analysis used statistical method. The obtained data was analyzed by using product moment formula.
The result of research showed that there is there is any correlation between students grammar ability and students narrative writing achievement in the Eighth Grade of MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep. It is proven from the result of data analysis that show the value of rxy is lower than rtable (0,814 ≥ 0,423) in significant level 5%.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for English teacher to be able to make the student learn English more actively out of school. It is suggested for the students at the eighth grade MTs Khairul Muttaqin Lenteng Sumenep to learn English more in their home and the students must improve their knowledge especially on narrative writing.
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