Berisi tentang : 1. Puisi : Suara Dunia 2. Intermezo 3. Berjalan di Atas Salju 4. Puisi - Puisi 5. dll
Berisi tentang : 1. Memotivasi Pelajar Menulis 2. Psikosastra dan Kesesuaian Bacaan Sastra Anak 3. Memulai Membaca TV 4. Jarog 5. dll
Berisi tentang : 1.The Tendency of English Teachers in Teaching Grammar for Young Learners 2. Implementation of Blended Learning through Youtube Media to Improve Students Speaking Skill 3. Al ittijahat fi al-Dirasat al-Ilmiyyah inda al-Thalib al-jami'i fi qQismi Ta'limi al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah bi jamiati Madura al-Islamiyyah al-Hukumiyyah 4. Working Memory Role on Gender towards Language Tr…
Berisi tentang : 1. Understanding Pakistan Through Literature 2. Reviewing The "OASE" Its Creeds, Its Activities, and A Different Color Within Indonesian Shia 3. Exposing The Nature Of Arab Islamic Reasoning And Its Influence Toward Indonesia