Berisi tentang : 1. Terjemahan Beranotasi dalam cerpen Berbahasa madura Cong nagka Lukman AG 2. Perbandingan Pola Pengulangan Kata Bahasa Madura dengan Bahasa Indonesia 3. Penggunaaan Bahasa Indonesia pada Wacana Prosedural
Berisi tentang : 1. Pergeseran Bahasa dalam Bahasa madura 2. Sastra Dan Estetika Sosial 3. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan Metode Cerita pada Anak Usia TK
Berisi tentang: 1. Indoctrination Against Woman in The Lawland by Jhumpa Lahiri 2. Investigating Readability of Texts from Perspective of Dircourse Analysis 3. Pragmatics Approach in Teaching "Maharah Kalam" at Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah Tulungagug 4. etc
berisi tentang: 1. Detective Reality and Individual Interpretation 2. A Study of Teacher Talk in Classroom Interaction at an Islamic Senior High School 3. Teaching Writing Skill by Using Brainwriting Strategy 4. Developing the Assessment Instrument of Speaking 5. dst
Jurnal ini berisi : 1. Inventory of Kenyah Lepo Tau Segmental Sounds 2. Language Style of Habiburrahman El-Shirazy in the Dwilog of Ayat-ayat Cinta: a Stylistic Study 3. The Effect of Indirec Coded Feedback on Student's Writing Ability 4. dst
Jurnal ini berisi : 1. The Use of Code-Mixing on Keynote Speaker of Islamic Teaching Forum of Parenting and Children Education 2. Language Teacher's Difficulties of Bogor-Bekasi-Banten in Conducting Classroom Action Research Developing Authentic Material of Listening on Higher Education Based on Constructive Learning of Jean Piaget and Vygotsky Theory 4. dst
1. Negative Representation of Assad's Regime in CNN Online Articles 2. Gog and Magog (Yakjuj wa Makjuj) Stories in Sundanese Manuscripts 3Portraying Learner's Autonomy in Extensive Reading Classroom
Berisi tentang : 1. Editorial 2. Pemakaian Bahasa Madura di Kalangan Remaja 3. Interrelasi Bahasa, Matematika dan Statistika
1. A Comparative Study on English Speaking Skill between interpersonal and intrapersonal studens in the third semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan 2. Analysis of Lexical and Contextual Meaning in Raef Song Lyric of Path Album as the Holy Qur'an Values 3. etc