Key Words: Students’ Responses, Media, Whatsapp, Writing WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world. WhatsApp has feature that is named as whatsapp story, it is one of whatsapp feature that is usually allows users to share text, photo, video, and GIF updates that disappear after 24 hours. In educational setting, this…
Berisi tentang : 1. Perempuan dalam pendiddikan Madrsah di Aceh dari perspektif sejarah 2. Kompetensi guru pendidikan agama islam Aliyah 3. Mendesain madrasah ditanah papua : sebuah kasus kota Jayapura 4. Dll
Keywords: Vocabulary, Teacher Problem, and online class Vocabulary is word need to understand to communicated. It is important to learn vocabulary though before learning four skills in English language learning. During covid-19 teaching learning process has been obstruct by pandemic that demand people to social distancing. During teaching learning process at SDN Buddagan 2 used online c…
Berisi tentang : 1. Akar-Akar Transnasionalisme Islam Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) 2. Menguak Islam Ekslusif yang Toleran 3. Model Interpretasi al-Qur'an Abdullah Saeed 4. dll
Berisi tentang : 1. Teologi Wirausaha 2. Klaim Religious Authority dalam Konflik Sunni-Syi'i Sampang Madura 3. Muslim Diaspora dalam Isu Identitas, Gender dan Terorisme 4. dll
Berisi tentang : 1. Dari Nalar Literalis - Normatif Menuju Nalar Kontekstualis - Historis dalam Studi Islam 2. Charles J. Adams antara Reduksionisme dan Anti - Reduksionisme dalam Kajian Agama 3. Jihad dalam Pandangan Muhammad Abd al-Salam Faraj 4. dll
ABSTRACT Jamaluddin, 2018, The use of english comics to students reading comprehension at eight grade of MTs Khalid Bin Walid Bangkes Kadur Pamekasan, Thesis, English teaching learning program (TBI), Tarbiyah department, Advisor: Mulyadi S.S., M,Pd. Keywords : Reading Comprehension, Media Comic Reading is one of the important thing especially among students, it becomes most effective ways…